Touch Of Wellbeing

Massage and Personal Care

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Pregnancy Pre-natal and Post-natal Massage

Touch of Well Being offers you a variety of massages for during pregnancy and after delivery. Quite a few times massages are associated to luxury or an exotic part of vacation but in reality massages become more of a need during pregnancy. Pregnancy, pre natal and post natal massages have distinct benefits that enhance well being of the mother and also the baby. These massages should be added in the must do lists of all mothers to be in order to make the experience better.

Pregnancy massages are taken for usually an hour and are not kept too long for the comfort of our customers. The massage board and pillows are designed and organized to accommodate the pregnant belly and give complete comfort. At Touch of Well Being your comfort and preferences would be our priority, the service will in no way be a source of discomfort or trouble. The procedure would be well explained in advance and getting the client mentally prepared for the massage. You suggestions, specifications and queries would be completely satisfied before the massage begins.


Benefits derived from Pregnancy Massage 

There is still not much emphasis put on pregnancy massage which it deserves. The benefits a pregnant woman gets from these massages are not temporary but have a long lasting impact on the physical and mental health of the mother during the course of pregnancy. The most strategic benefits are that it lowers anxiety. During pregnancy women tend to get quite anxious and stressed due to the bodily and internal hormone changes. This anxiety has an adverse effect on the daily routines and performance. This also becomes one of the biggest misconceptions that pregnancy may lead to deterioration of performance but in reality it is not an effect that is insolvable but the decline in performance may be led by inability of managing the anxiety. The massages would also have physical positive impacts on the body such as on back and leg. Back, leg and calf pains are decreased along with decrease in swelling of the feet with pregnancy massage. This in turn helps in sleeping better which would improve health and the mental state.

Benefits of post natal massage

Post natal massages also have great health benefits. The pain that arises after delivery such as back and calf pain are reduced with post natal massages. Insomnia caused by pregnancy would also be dealt with, letting you sleep better and staying relaxed. Other muscle tension, aches release and improvement in fluid retention are additional benefits of post natal massages.

At Touch of Well Being your pregnancy and post natal massages would evolve your experience of bearing a child to utmost positivity. You can actually make the experience pleasurable by reducing the anxiety, mental and physical stress through the most relaxing pregnancy massages at Touch of Well Being. We guarantee you complete satisfaction and strive to serve you better than your expectation. Professional consultants and masseurs at the company will take complete care of your carious needs, choices and provide a service that would me made just for you.

We welcome you visit our spa and visit our website for more details.

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Massage Cupping

Massage Cupping has been adapted from the tradition and ancient techniques of Chinese Medicine. It is one of the most effective massages being offered at Touch of Well Being that has many vital benefits and positive effects on a person’s health. It is very different from other regular therapeutic massages that involve exertion of pressure on the body. Massage cupping is used to deal with various health concerns and also improvement in the healing process.


Massage cupping involves use of plastic of glass cups with a pump that creates a vacuum for a negative pressure being put on the skin. The movement of cups in various techniques while also pulling up is the most significant part of the massage. The techniques need extreme care and precision as quite a few sensitive areas need to be treated differently as they cannot cope with the regular pull. Areas that comprise mostly of bones such as the spine and scapula are most often avoided in regular massages that involve exerting of pressure but can be worked on with cupping. Touch of Well Being has specialized therapists for massage cupping who understand its various techniques in great detail. Our trained therapists guarantee you with the most satisfying results and effects. They would understand your needs and use the most suitable techniques.

The massage cupping technique also includes placing cups over particular parts of the body for a short while. These cups being parked on different areas help in mobilizing joints and relieving soft tissues. The suction goes deep inside soft tissues, organs and attachments. The pulling is actually done in order to pull toxins and inflammation away from muscles and organs. Lymph nodes and blood are also pulled up closer to the skin to make the process effective. Loosening of connective tissues helps in better healing of injury scars and damages. The effects can actually be seen as the adhesions and scars would actually be reduced. Other long lasting effects are a well functioning immune system and blood flow. Your reason behind choosing massage cupping and the expected results should be discussed with consultants at Touch of Well Being so that you are provided with the best massage experience and results.

Massage cupping is safe for everyone, children, adults and also the elderly. In order to guarantee safety and satisfaction, have consulting sessions with therapists at Touch of Well Being so that they can understand your condition to the best of their abilities and put in the best effort in your massage therapy. The techniques and duration would vary from person to person and would get decided according to the clients’ age, needs and health. It is wise to have a detail discussion with consultants and therapists to get yourself mentally prepared for the massage therapy. We welcome your queries and suggestions; visit us at our spa and also on our website Touch Well Being is at your service and strives to provide you with the most delighting massage experience that you have had never before.

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Indian Head Massage

Indian head massage is also widely known as the Champissage. It is a therapeutic massage that emphasizes on the head and corresponding areas such as the neck, should, upper arm and also the face. It has a very light and gentle massage technique that focuses on stimulating nerves, relieve tension and relaxation of superficial tissues. The massage also helps in fighting and alleviating emotional as well as physical stress. Touch of Well Being offers the most original and effective Indian Head massage along with other therapeutic massages.

The massage is an influence of the traditional Indian Champi. It has been practiced as a natural therapy since the early centuries. It is used as an alternative to medical treatment and medications to calm down nerves, heal emotional and physical stress and also fight fatigue and anxiety. The techniques involved in the Indian Head massage are based on the traditional Ayurvedic system and the oriental beliefs of energy circulation in the body as being vital for good health.


An Indian Head massage can generally be done even without application of massage oil on the skin but for a more effective and satisfying massage requires some massage oil to be applied for the technique. Use of massage oil helps the therapist in having more control over the massage and also supports smooth gliding of the therapist’s hands and fingers. The more the precision in the techniques applied the better would be the results reaped. A well done Indian Head Massage can be performed only by trained and experienced therapists who specialize in Indian head massage. Touch of Well Being has some of the most efficiently trained therapists for Indian Head massage. They do not just guarantee a well performed massage but also satisfying results with complete assistance.

An Indian Head massage can effectively been done while the client sits down. The therapist has better access to the points in focus, such as neck, head and shoulders that too in all possible angles. An Indian Head massage is quite different from other regular massages. A few of the most prominent benefits of Indian Head massage is relief from headaches, alleviating mental and physical stress, neck relaxation, relief of pain from shoulder and upper arms along with loosen stiff muscles, soothing eyes and revitalize the brain. All these factors have significant positive effects on the nervous system and help in keeping the person’s mood calm and light.

Touch of Well Being consultants are needed to be made aware of your conditions and health issues you face so that the therapist could modify the technique according to your specific needs. The therapy is not recommended for those who have undergone head injuries and those with histories of other health concerns. It is a must that you inform the consultant and therapist with your health history in order to get yourself a safe and satisfying therapy.

We encourage you to visit us at our spa or our website, for further details and information.

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Thai Herbal Pouch

Touch of Well Being offers you the exotic Thai Herbal Pouch massage to ease you from different types of stress and ailments. It is not like a regular massage that gives to some pleasure and relaxation but it manages to have a much prolonged impact on the human body and the immune system which helps in fighting various types of pains and stress. We at Touch of Well Being completely understand your needs and can easily relate to you which make it possible for us to deliver you a service that you really look forward to.


The massage uses hand tied material bags to a stem which is used to soak the material in water and water oil. This pouch is used to massage the whole body with warms giving a warm and soothing effect. The most significant aspect of the massage is the stimulation of the skin with intense heat created by the hot massage pouch. It would not be so hot that it could hurt you as special temperature adjustments, monitoring and control are dealt with the other free hand of the masseur. The massage begins with the hot pouch being placed just slightly on the already oiled body and eventually the body gets adapted to the temperature of the pouch and also cools down after a certain period of time as it is left on the skin for quite a long time. Towards the end, the pouch gets into movement over your entire body in a certain fashion.

The deliberate exposure to heat is for giving a long lasting impact on the immune system as it stays stimulated for a much prolonged time due the heat. These massages are highly preferred in cooler season and in places that experience extremely cold weather. The main purpose of this massage is to deal with common inflammation caused by muscle and joint pains. The scope of its benefits is not limited to muscle related issues but is also for other systems in the body that align to improve body healing and immunity to fight against diseases. A Thai Herbal Pouch massage at Touch of Well Being would support better healing of the mind, body and soul both from routine stressors and ever the more intense trouble in life.


Other benefits of Thai Herbal Pouch massage are improved blood flow and lymph circulation, releases energy blockages resulting in better physical and mental activeness, increases joint flexibility and supports movement and reduces acute as well as chronic inflammation. There are also additional benefits that would improve daily life such as improved appetite and strength the digestive system, prevent illness by boosting the immune system, slow aging, lower blood pressure and help keeping the mind and body relaxed. These are not just temporary benefits that you would derive but have prolonged effects on health.

No matter what the main purpose of your choice is, at Touch of Well Being you would get the most satisfying service which would make you proud of your choice.

We encourage our valued customers to honor us with visit at our spa. You may also visit our website for more details.

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Traditional Thai / Thai Fusion

Touch of Well Being aims to satisfy your need to rejuvenate your mind, body and soul. We offer the most effective and pleasure deriving Traditional Thai massage also known as the Thai Fusion. It will not just ease you to a whole new level of relaxation but also prepare you for a new beginning. It manages to sooth your nerves to an extent where you are freed from all tension and develop a sense of starting with a completely original and positive approach.


Traditional Thai or Thai Fusion massage is a combination of Easter and Western massage styles. It is one of those massage techniques that have a holistic approach and serve to relax your entire body and mind. A Thai Fusion at Touch of Well Being would let your massage experience evolve to an ultimate level. If you want to get rid of tension, ease your mind and have a long lasting calming effect on the muscles and mind, Thai Fusion at Touch of Well Being is the most suitable solution for you.

The essence of this massage is the use of different aroma oils that are applied in distinct amounts and combinations to the body. Over and above the benefits of applying these oils the different massage techniques that are used manage to enhance the overall impact, resulting in extreme relaxation and pleasure.  Traditional Thai/Thai Fusion massage helps in easing the human body from muscular pain and tension. The most significant part of this massage technique is the emphasized use of thumbs and elbows for acupressure on various pressure points. Focus is kept on points around the Sen lines, which are in control of energy flow around the body. They also tirelessly work for enhancing our well being and taking care of energy being created for composure and peace within us.


For additional relaxation of tension from muscles and points in the body the technique also includes light stretching and joint mobilization which helps in detoxifying and toning muscles. A Thai Fusion massage at Touch of Well Being would set you up for moving ahead with a better outlook on life and experiencing an escalation in energy in the body. It would have a direct positive impact on your performance and living your life to the best of your abilities.

Other significant benefits of a traditional Thai/ Thai Fusion massage are neck, shoulder and back pain, improvement in blood circulation, stimulation of nerve endings and improvement in lymphatic drainage. The massage manages to aid fluid absorption around joints and keeps the body more healthy and active. In addition, it also helps in relieving head aches, fight insomnia, helps in toning muscle, clears the mind which help in a enhancing the well being.

At Touch of Well Being we would serve you with the best service quality, keep you satisfied by performing beyond your expectations. The massages offered would not only help you calm your nerves and release tension but also have an extended impact on your health and quality of life ahead.

We encourage our valued customers to honor us with visit at our spa. You may also visit our website for more details.

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Hot Stone Massage

Touch of Well Being offers the best hot stone massage that helps in deep relaxation of tight muscles. The massage is done with smooth, heated stones which are used for massaging and also for being placed on specific parts of the body while the other areas are massaged with hands. The heat of the stones makes tight muscles loosen up and lets the effect penetrate much better. The stones themselves have the ability to charge energy and need to be placed in different arrangements to make the most use of their ability.

Smooth stones heated with fire began to be used by Native Americans to relieve pain in muscles. The modern and improved stone therapy has evolved into delivering better results but requires intense training of therapists. At Touch of Well Being, we have high trained and certified stone massage therapists. You are guaranteed the best stone massage experience at our company that has long lasting benefits. Not all spas would manage to provide you the same quality service, it takes quite a lot of calculated effort and sensitivity, not all masseurs can prove to give a satisfying experience with hot stones so which spa you choose would determine your experience with hot stone massages.


You may consult professional at Touch of Well Being to better understand the massage procedure and benefits. The massage starts with the therapist’s work on your back. Your body would also be heated and prepared with the traditional Swedish massage. After this the therapist would start to massage your body with the heated stones. Sometime later the stones that have cooled down will be replaced with the other heated ones. The stones vary in shape and size as not every stone can be used for all the parts of the body. The shape of the stones is mostly oval or circle like as they have to be rounded and completely without edges. Larger and stronger muscles are worked on with big stones while the small stones are used for smaller muscles. The stones are even placed over some parts of the body such as the palm, belly and even between toes for better blood circulation.

We encourage our valued clients to communicate their specifications and requirements to the therapist at any time during the course of the massage. In case the heat causes discomfort, you can ask the therapist to adjust the temperature in order to give you the most effective massage. Our clients’ comfort is our priority; we strive to provide our clients with the most satisfying massages and therapies at Touch of Well Being.

Hot stone massage is not recommended for those who have high blood pressure, diabetes or heart diseases. It is also not recommended for those who are on blood thinning medication, pregnant or with sunburns. It is most suitable to take our consultants’ advice before getting a hot stone massage. Our consultants and therapists are at your service who aim to keep you safe, comfortable and most satisfied with all the services we offer at Touch of Well Being.

We encourage our valued customers to honor us with a visit at our spa. You may also visit our website for more details.

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Remedial Massage

As the name suggests a Remedial massage focuses on repairing and rejuvenating stressed and damaged muscles and tendons. Muscles and tendons often get tensed, knotted or immobile due to getting over worked or unbalanced pressure being put on them. These are common issues that we face in our busy lives. Get a remedial massage done at Touch of Well Being to repair your muscles and give them a chance to revitalize. It does not just alleviate the symptoms such as pain or discomfort but also helps in fighting the initial cause. It is a complete treatment done in the most relaxing and pleasure deriving way. There are a few variations of remedial massages; they range from gentle and shallow massages to strong and deep therapies. Which massage best suits you would be recommended by the expert consultants at Touch of Well Being. The areas of discomfort and its intensity would determine the type of remedial massage you need.


Each type of remedial massage requires special techniques and procedures for which therapists need to be trained. Touch of Well Being has some of the best trained therapists for Remedial Massages who identify areas of trouble and deliver a service that completely satisfies the clients. A well done massage would not only take away the stress and pain from the muscles but also boost the body’s own repair system.

This makes the body stronger against risk of damage and decrease the frequency of getting caught with muscle and tendon trouble. Remedial Massage proves to be a preventative technique while being a cure to physical stress.

Remedial Massage asks for complete coordination from you. How well receptive you are to the therapy would determine the degree of its effectiveness and the duration its effects last for. Touch of Well Being offers dedicated consultation to clients that aims in satisfying all your queries and assisting to through our procedure. Feel free to contact our consultants or therapists to make the service you get even more promising and satisfying. A remedial massage is used for a wide range of issues identified in the body’s performance. The various benefits help in dealing with more serious diseases as well.


A few of the widely observed benefits of remedial massage are toning and relaxation of muscles and tendons, repairing tissues and cell health improvement by stimulating the immune system. Peripheral nervous system is also calmed down with remedial massage that helps in better dealing with pain and stress. Arthritis, Fibrositis, frozen shoulder, muscular atrophy, muscular and skeletal dysfunction are all addressed to with Remedial Massage. It is a safe and natural way of easing out pain in the body which is also widely recommended by doctors and physicians along with medications, if required. Touch of Well Being takes complete care of customers and provides them the most suitable services. You would not be suggested a therapy that does not match your requirements or is not appropriate. Effective communication is a key to success that we use too. Our therapists would make sure that the service you opt for does not expose you to any health risks. Information you provide such as health and medical details are kept under complete protection and are used only to understand your needs better.Touch of Well Being offers the best massage service and therapy that not just provides you physical comfort but also peace of mind.

You may also visit our website for more details. Or you can also visit our spa personally to get yourself informed further about our services and packages.